Thursday, June 11, 2009

Breathe easy

Hey folks, gotten an sms from TTSH yesterday evening, was informed that my CT throax scan was cleared, and no tumors seen. Three Cheers and Three Cheers and Three Cheers for ME!

Didn't sleep well ever since i know that i need to go through more tests, so many times my faith was shaken. Anyway, i had a good sleep last night.

Received a call from TTSH early this morning, Sister Tan re-confirmed that piece of good news with me. Well i can breathe slightly easy for the time being.

Additional updates:

The very first few hours (on 08/06/2009) after the CT scan. Notice the swell on my left hand (top right), it was painfully unbearable, and i couldn't lift my hand up the very next day, but i got no choice but to continue working.

(Bottom) This was taken 8 days (16-06-09) after the scan. Even as i update this today (21-06-09), the needle hole is still very much visible, and it still hurts abit when i accidentally brush across something hard. Do they have to use such a BIG needle???? *roll eyeballs*

Monday, June 8, 2009

Say Cheese

What is CT scan (Computed Tomography)? It provides an accurate diagnosis of scans of internal organs, bone, soft tissue and blood vessels, also provide greater clarity and reveal more details than regular x-ray exams.

I barely slept last night. Woke up feeling extremely unhappy. How exciting can it be to take a 3D imaging of my upper torso? Said my prayers before making my way down to TTSH.

Prior to the dreadful procedure, I changed into the brown gown given to me. There was a painful prick when the needle was forced into my vein. An intravenous contrast material (colour dye) was used, I have this warm, flushed sensation during the injection of the contrast dye, and a metallic taste formed in my mouth that lasted for a few minutes.

I was lying flat on my back, then slowly and smoothly slided into the X-ray circle, special lights were used to ensure that I'm properly positioned. During the "scanning" session, I heard slight buzzing, clicking and whirring sounds as the CT scanner revolves around me. I was alone in the examination room during the CT scan, the radiologist "safely" kept out from the radiation, could however, see, hear and speak to me in the other room.

I found the procedure stressful, my heart was perpetually in my mouth, firstly I was worried sick about the result findings, and secondly I'm claustrophobic. Mine was a CT thorax (for chest), took only 5 minutes. Will only know the result findings in a couple of days, how am i gonna get through the next few days? Oh my god!

Verdict: CT scan are painless, fast and easy, but probably the need to lie still for several minutes may cause some discomfort. Expensive, cost me $517.80 just to lie on that high technology bed.


1) The effective radiation dose from this procedure is about the same as the average person receives from background radiation in three to five years. Super tired after the procedure, must be due to the effect of the radiation.

2) There is always a slight chance of cancer from excessive exposure to radiation. Well, how irony, in the midst of determining any cancerous growth within me, and in exchange the possibility of cancer due to radiation.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Smoke gets in my eyes

Went for my medical consultation yesterday afternoon, my blood glucose level (blood sugar) increased to 9.5, which came as a shock to me, because my usual level is below 6.0. For diabetic patients, blood glucose level ranges between 9.0 to 12.0 .

But my colleague highlighted that since i had Nasi Lemak for lunch (before the check up), the coconut milk content may be the main culprit. Well, I'm praying hard. I remembered drinking Bandung prior to my last consultation, and my blood glucose level also shot above 9.0. For my next consultation on 24/06/2009, Dr Tan arranged a morning appointment, no breakfast before i see her, so that she can have an accurate reading. I do not wish to become diabetic because of my Steroid dosage *cross fingers*

Another rude shock came when her senior consultant suggested a CT scan (Computed Tomography) to re-confirm my illness has no relation to any tumor growth. At that moment, my world came crashing down! Those X-rays, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), Mammogram, colon and stomach scope (gastroscope) that i had taken before, doesn't show any growth. If there is "something" growing inside, there will be a further need to test whether is it benign or malignant... ... God, haven't you heard my prayers yet?

Dr Tan's consolation to me is that if it's a cancerous tumor, current medication (that I'm having now) would not have work, and if there is really any tumor presence, it would be very small because it's undetectable on X-rays. As if that helps?

The good news is my Steroid dosage will be reduced further, from 1 tablet (5MG) daily to 3 times per week. Initally i was on 60MG on 01/03/2009, and it took 3 months of gradual reduction to present stage, hopefully i can safely get rid of this poisonous medicine forever.

On my cab journey back to the office, my mind was in a mess. Finally broke down when my colleagues asked me for updates. Life is so meaningless, here i am trying hard to make a honest living, doing nobody any harm, dutifully fulfilling my social roles, and yet my faith and inner strength has been continuously put through tests. There is only so much i can bear with, at times i felt so lonely, although i know i am constantly surrounded by my family and friends who loves me, but i truly felt like a stranded fighter.

The CT scan is scheduled on this coming Monday afternoon (08/06/09). I hope this will be the last procedure, i doubt i can take anymore of such tests.