Thursday, June 28, 2012

感伤篇 - 逃跑




之前,我深信条条大路是我无限的伸展台,藏不住的自信,挡不住的傲气。 多么的独一无二,唯我独尊!

但现在的我,有一种 “众人醉,唯我清醒” 的孤寂。


Sunday, June 17, 2012


It has been awhile since I met LF.  Had a great night out with her, busy updating each other with our life happenings, mostly me talking, and she as usual, patiently lend me her ears...  Well, she loves my new short hair, and was "captivated" by my fringe *muahaha* I am so happy that she is starting her new job this month end, and overjoyed that her wedding date has been settled.  明年我要嫁妹妹了!  要帮她办嫁妆咯,美美的做新娘,她一定会幸福,至少会比姐姐我幸福吧 :)  你(小胖)要好好照顾我妹妹哦!

Was waiting for cab in the basement (@ Central) all alone, I was so terrified.  Luckily the cab came (about 10 minutes later), but I wasn't in a chatty mood and that cab driver kept discussing "immigrant problem" throughout the journey. 

Was nearly involved in a car accident on the PIE, along Eunos Flyover.  I had already realised that the car in front was stationary, but the cab driver only stepped on the brakes after I screamed out loud.  3 cars ahead were involved in the accident, and we were the 5th car, the red Mazda behind was just inches away.  Thank god I have my seat belt on, I was practically plunged forward, and luckily he heeded my cries of terror, but was having chest pain the whole night.

Been having bad headache for the past one week, medicated oil seems to be my best friend now, maybe due to lack of sleep, maybe excessive stress, maybe maybe...

Time for bed! Goodnight!

Monday, June 11, 2012

感伤篇 - 季节






1993 年是这首歌的发表年份。



历经近20年,我在不同的阶段,对这首歌的体会还是一样 - - 哀愁。

多美丽的歌词。 “离别多, 叶落的季节离别多”





Saturday, June 9, 2012

L-plate Tai-Tai

Today I did some roaming again, and this time I landed up at Changi View Point (just opposite Expo MRT station).  This is my second time visiting this place, and this could be one of my favourite hangout soon.  Despite Expo is brimming with activities, this place is so blissfully quiet.

I did some retail therapy.  In fact, I have been doing a lot of retail therapy recently, well geesh, never mind that :p Money cannot purchase any happiness, but it does provide some emotional relief to a certain extent.

Spent a great deal of time chilling out at Starbucks with a book, and sipping my all-time favourite Strawberry & Cream.  Fantastic service, and the crew members are so friendly, the manager and cashier seems to be around whenever I looked up for assistance.  Nice!

Was really supposed to do my Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assignment, but I guess I really need some rest.  Yesterday was a busy busy day, only managed to hit the bed in the early morning.  Well, I still have 6 more days before the dateline, I promise I will really do it tomorrow... keke

When I was in JC, one of my BFF, Kenny told me that I am a potential Tai-Tai in training, and I used to laugh it off.  But now it does seems like a good idea. Haha!  L-A-Z-Y ~ ~ ~

Thursday, June 7, 2012

"Seal" with a kiss

I am down with flu today *sObz*, the drowsy medicine did not make me sleepy at all.

Was racking through my old mp3 folder, and came across this song - "Stand By Me".  It just makes me smile and it brings back a lot of bittersweet memories, which I can traced it back to my secondary school days, and the last memory was etched in Year 2003.

Heard many renditions of it, but still prefers Seal's version.

I must be getting old, for being sentimental is not my usual style *siGh*. Found another song from Seal - Kiss by a Rose, which always never fails to make me slow waltz along with it.

This is the OST for the movie "Batman forever".  I was never a fan of Batman, and I have forgotten why I agreed to watch this in the theatre.  All I can recall is this song, somehow the rhythm and melody just keeps me captivate till now.

Ok, time to get back to my research on my assignment, must really get it done and over with by this weekend. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012


June!  I love it because I have survived half of Year 2012.

Gosh! I am so tied down with assignments recently, there is a "Strategic Management" assignment due on the 4 June, and another "Corporate Social Responsibility" due before 15 June. 

Yes, yes yes, I regret not starting them early, but I am really clueless about the topics that I should formulate for both the assignments.  I can only cross my fingers and blow kisses to my marks *mUack* if I still cannot have something decent before the deadlines.

Chilling out at my favourite coffee outlet, one of those days where
I could sit back and relax to watch the crowd.  Recently, being alone is not such a terrifying feat anymore (I must have gotten used to loneliness), but *hurhur* I must be in a stationary corner, the moving crowd still scares me.  My fringe is killing me, but it kinda hides my chubby face, so I will live with it for the time being.

Everyone keeps exclaiming that I lost weight, which is not fine with me, because I need to buy new clothes.  And my buddy said I have become so translucent that I am on my way to becoming transparent, hey that I can overcome by buying a shade darker for my foundation :) (but buddy, remember the umbrella joke?)

Another reason why I was looking forward to this June was because my favourite animation is back ;) Madagascar 3 is gonna be the first animation movie that I will be catching this 7 June.  Love those penguins, so annoyingly mischevious and funny.

12 July is the official release date for "Ice Age 4 movie" in Singapore, and I can't sit still for it :)  Not that I can remember the first 3 movies, but I look forward to just laugh myself silly inside the movie threatre.

But I am so disappointed that "Despicable Me 2" will be a year later in July 2013.  I am a big fan of the first movie, I hope the second movie will be good as well, and good things are worth waiting for.  Patience is a virtue.

Ok, back to my assignment! Awwww....