Monday, April 13, 2009

While i was sleeping... ...

Today, I was due for my colon and stomach scope (gastroscope) in TTSH. Medical term refers to colonoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy respectively.

Endoscopy refers to exploring the internal body, using an instrument called an endoscope. It is a medical procedure that is used to assess the interior surfaces of an organ by inserting a tube into the body. The main risks are bleeding and perforation, rarely resulting in death.

Prior the procedure (on 12/04/09), dinner must consumed by 6pm, to start drinking laxative solution from 6:15pm, and to be finished by 9:15pm. I nearly died of hunger and spent most of the time rushing back and forth to the washroom. Today, while waiting for my turn in the ward, i took the chance to interview a nurse, and was informed that gastroscope will take around 5mins, while colonscopy will take approximately 20-30mins, depending on how "curly" (i'm quoting her) the intestines are.

When they finally pushed me into the operation theatre, something was sprayed into my mouth to numb my throat, *yucky yucks* it's extremely bitter and prickling inside the back of my mouth, and i had to swallow that! One of them inserted an oxygen tube at my edge of my nostrils, then made me lie on my left side, next a mouth-guard is placed between my teeth to prevent me from biting on the endoscope. The last i recalled was my doctor administering sedation.

So when i woke up, I absolutely have no recollection of any tubes being inserted into me, nor any feelings of being "tickled" from inside. I couldn't bring in my handphone, and hence i have no idea how much time i spent in there, or how long i had slept, trust me i would video it down if i have the very chance. Was a bit groggy when my dad fetched me.

But hey, my results are good! No abnormal growth in there. Verdict: The procedures are virtually painless, but it's the wait that is torturous. I was given the pictures of my "insides", but since my lear prefers not to see it, i shall save it for my own viewings. But honestly, it's like a pink playground slide.

Another punctured hole i have on my left hand. Just when i was busy typing this out, the nurse from TTSH called to check on me, so nice of her to make sure that I'm not having any implications (although I'm feeling bloated, but that is considered normal after the colonscopy). For that wound, I shall reward myself tomorrow with retail therapy.

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