Saturday, July 10, 2010


Met up with my 2 JC babes today. The very first reunion for the trio in 6 years, so much to say, so much to reminiscence, and yet it felt just like yesterday when we are still donning our JC uniforms, and bumping into each other along the corridors & canteen.

Who would have believed that we lost touch for 6 whole years?

I figured out what I sorely missed: their companionship. They have unconditionally accept my imperfections and insecurities. Working in a competitive and fast-paced environment, office politics and strict regulations makes me forget to appreciate the beauty of "slow". While most people judge others by what they wear and carry, they spend quality time with me, and teach me the meaning of a simple life.

Makes me wonder, how much have I "dirtied"myself? All these years, my wish list becomes increasingly hard to fulfil, I have become so self demanding that even my mum could not fathom.

Hey gal, resolution for the 2nd half of Year 2010:- Slow down, take it easy, breathe in fresh air, and most importantly, learn to let go... ...