Monday, February 18, 2013

Jeff Chang 不要对他说

I am going to catch Jeff Chang's "空出来的时间" concert coming this March 2013. 

I never thought I would ever be tempted to watch 张信哲, for he is a good singer, but I am never a fan of his, as I simply can't relate to his “哲式情歌" when I was much younger. 

I even jeered at a school mate who had dedicated "信仰” for me.  Back then, I do not believe in love, and now I am sorry that I didn't hold onto my belief, so much for being a heart breaker - I am finally being punished. 

I will be going with a group of friends. I am sure it will be an enjoyable experience :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013


6 个月。8 个月。



他失信了!好一个不闻不问,不理不睬,无消无息,眼不见为净的策略。先是人间蒸发,再来个不了了之, 随缘?


Monday, February 4, 2013


Spending a quiet Monday morning alone.

Just seen my doctor for a reconsultation, seems ok, thou I can feel her worries for me.

She sent me out of the clinic telling me,  'Jo,  that strong front is useless in the presence of those who cares.  Those who made you cry, or those who cannot take the weight of your tears, honestly do not love you at all'.