Saturday, April 25, 2009


I like the lyrics from the song 'Circus' (by Britney Spears) - "There are 2 types of people in the world, the ones that entertain and the ones that observe". Which one are you? If you operate solely with one, you may have unwittingly offended tons of people along the way. But the worst scenerio will be being oblivious to what you have observed.

I know someone who thinks that he is a great entertainer, but he took on the wrong path, mistaken the role of an entertainer as a clown. Just because someone is popular, he will blindly mimic that particular mannerism or lingo. If a girl gently tuck her hair behind her ears, a coy smile, or a mischievous wink, that bound to set anyone's heart fluttering. Imagine a 40 year old grown up man doing that?

Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with any man or woman lacking the right balance of testosterone (the sex hormone, formula C19H28O2), but i cannot tolerate a man deliberately behaving like a whine-ly teenage girl. Yes, it works initially, and people laugh along with you. Once their patience depleted, they laugh AT you! In this instance, he noticed the change in others' attitude, however he still plough on acting "cute", praying hard that people will fall for the same childish act once again.

Reminds me of another song by Britney Spears "I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman". He is a man, much more girlish than me, but just not with the proper built in. Let's hope he leaves me alone, my fiery temper is not to be tested in such manner.

Fact time: testosterone affects the entire body, often by enlarging size, hence men have bigger hearts, lungs, liver, etc... The result of different testosterone levels:- A clear difference is the size of the male human brain is, on average, larger than females. Yes ladies, that is a fact, but brain size doesn't equate to brain power *evil laugh*


  1. R u talking about someone I know, lear?

  2. Hmmm... my lear, I know which one you are referring to, but this particular character is someone whom you have never met before.
