Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Indulgence (Part 2)

Ok, this posting is again for you ladies :)

From front to back (clockwise): Tony Moly Hand Mask, Nivea Extra Whitening Cell Repair & Protect Body Milk, and Tok Tok Pro-Touch Vibrating Makeup Puff

I was very tempted to try this Nivea Extra Whitening Cell Repair & Protect Body Milk.  Imagine having 50 times of Vitamin C and antioxidants in a bottle! I couldn't resist it, as it was indeed waving hard at me, screaming "take me home, take me home" from the pharmacy shelves.  I am very particular about body moisturiser, and this has none of those nasty-sticky-feel, and I really love the cherry scent on my skin.

Verdict:  To really test this product out, I had tried this daily (before bedtime) for consecutively 10 days, and stop using it for 2 weeks, and today my skin still feels soft and supple.  Not so sure about the whitening effect though because I have a fair complexion to begin with, I supposed I can only be sure of this when I complete this bottle.  Forget about those expensive body moisturisers, for 400ml, and less than $10.00 per bottle.  I would rate is 4 out of 5.

I have tried a few of Tony Moly's products previously, mostly because of their cute containers, but frankly no surprises at all.  Gotten this Tony Moly Hand Mask because I feel that my hands could do some pampering as well.

Verdict:  Either my hands are too rough for any remedy cure, or my current hand moisturiser is doing a good job.  No significant before or after feel.  The apple scent was considered pleasantly pleasing to the nose.  I have forgotten the price for this hand mask, and unlikely a repeat purchase. 

Made another purchase from Groupon again, this time I bought Tok Tok Pro-Touch Vibrating Makeup Puff.  This is made in Korea, and claims to provide the user a natural makeup effect and a more beautiful skin at the same time.

This is a vibrating device that comes with four puff heads: foundation, powder, cleansing and massage.  Basically it vibrates 120,000 times per minutes to help creates an even foundation coverage, it also helps to improve the blood circulation and thus a healthy skin.  So you could use it along with your liquid foundation, loose/pressed power, cleansing or massage products, just by changing the puff heads.

I am experiencing difficulties in loading the YouTube clip, you may wish to take a look at it via this link,   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut2DXoEGbTg&feature=related .

Verdict: $48.90 for a multifunctional (skincare and makeup) cosmetic tool is a good buy for me.  Normal retail price is SGD 115.  Tried it with my liquid foundation yesterday, and even with my clumsy application, it does provides an even coverage, and there was indeed a tingling sensation beneath the skin too, which I guess was the blood circulation effect.  I have yet to start using this in my normal regime, because as usual, I am l~a~z~y! I shall give you an update once I try this out for my skincare too.

Oh ya! Remember the Tsuya Tsuya Angel's Eye Intense Serum? (Refer to my posting on 16 July 2012 ), I have noticed my right eyelashes has grown quite a fair bit (much more than the left eyelashes... Opps!), my eyelashes does looked stronger and thicker now. Yeah~ ~ :) *blink blink*

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