Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Blood curling incidents

This is especially for my lear...

Let me share with you my horrifying 3 weeks stay in CGH. I was admitted to CGH on 23rd August 2008, it was close to midnight on a Saturday. Mine was a single bedded ward, and routinely there will be a doctor doing rounds for those newly admitted. However, the very first misfit who attended to me, was a lady intern from NUS instead (judging from the NUS student card hanging from her neck).

There was a need to put me on drip, mainly to eliminate the 2 bacteria in my blood, and also because i didn't consume food for the past 1 week. This was the first time in my entire life being put on a drip, boy was i terrified, however her shaky fingers and sweaty palms did nothing to calm my nerves. The pain was so unbearable, and immediately i went into a seizure, my whole body went into a state of involuntary contraction of muscles

Only at the 3rd attempt, did she manage to locate my vein for that "plug". My dear friends, 3 different spots being pricked, and she wasn't exactly the gentle type (if you know what i mean). This Misfit No.1 got the cheek to shoo my mum out of the ward, so that she can concentrate *roll eyeballs*. My pillowcase was actually stained with blood, resulting from the injection and withdrawal of needles. Makes me wonder if my blood transfusion on 28th August was a resultant of this.

I clearly remembered Misfit No.2, he is a young gentleman, also another medical intern. He came alone, armed with his tool box (gloves, cotton balls, needles, test tubes, plasters... etc), and after taking a few test tubes of blood samples from me, he actually earnestly apologized "erm... Sorry for keep taking your blood...". I could only picture a vampire thanking his victim for a hearty meal.

Just when i thought i could seal my blood permanently in me (at least for the next 24 hours), came another 2 Misfits. Yes, 2 ladies (interns again!!!), for companionship to boost confidence i guess. Misfit No.3 was actually there to guide Misfit No.4!!!!

Conversation transpired between them, as if i was unconscious...

Misfit No.3: it's ok, don't worry (Hey, she's not talking to me!!!)
Misfit No.3: ok, try to locate her veins. If cannot, tie her arm (means to clog the blood flow) and get her to pump (means to flex my fists). (i hear thunder, i hear thunder)
Misfit No. 4: erm, this one can? (i must have missed a heartbeat)
Misfit No.3: go ahead

Gosh! I regretted not taking pictures of my bruises, both my arms were full of "blue black" and needle holes. There was this particular nasty one on my left (near the arm joint), that spot was clogged and harden with blood, and was officially announced "spoilt" by a doctor on the day of my discharged. "Thanks ya" Misfit No.1!

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