Friday, March 27, 2009

Pie R Squared = 3.14

Distribution of Pie. Every year we have to go through this ordeal over and over again. It is fair? That is the question we always have in our mind. Of course who wouldn't want to sink their teeth into that tantalising pie, and take the biggest bite as well. (if you still can't fathom what I'm discussing right now, you may be too young).

Every year we see ugly faces with sharp talons. You can spot the difference in attitude almost immediately. Why so? Is that the devil within us? Are you ignorant enough not to notice that jealous streak in you? Or will you be so engulf in anger that you allow yourself to wallow in defeat?

Step aside my friends.
Somehow we tend to see better when we're not "so" involved? That reminds me of Sociology - Covert Observation being carried out without the explicit awareness, and agreement of the social unit being studied.

I'm no saint either, i do have infernal struggles between my prejudices and sanes. Being level headed (at least for now) allows me to try to make the best out of any worst situation. I mean, what can be worse when you already expected the worst? Always expect the best from yourself, and be gracious to others, but most of the time, we become a habitual fault finder. Honestly, i have yet to perfect that, but I'm trying my very best...

Since last year, each and everyone of us geared ourselves up for the possibilities of pay cut, or even retrenchment for the next 2 years. Just last week, MM Lee predicted that Singapore will, at best, take "two to three years" to recover from the crisis. At the worst, four to six years. Set your mentality right!

Few years back in Year 2007, when i had my first career setback, disappointment was an understatement. Being young and reckless, all sorts of unhealthy ideas came for a visit, my mentor (not MM Lee of course) encouraged me with the following "it's a race, you cannot win it all, elimination is unavoidable, have faith, work hard, believe that the day will come, and you will be a champion." (Hmm, not word for word lah, but the main idea is still there).

Momentarily stymied, what went through my mind at that time was "yeah right!". But yeah! He is (still) right! Progression can only happen when you learn how to pick up the pieces, only then you can move on (wholly) to a brand new level. Aim to move on!

I'm extremely thankful towards my mentor, and many of my friends who had seen me through that difficult period, and the current ordeal. You know who you are. No matter what's gonna happen, always be thankful and grateful, take time to say your prayers as well, cause you never know when the Great Divine will give you their blessings.

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