Saturday, March 28, 2009

Acrimonious attack

Today, I'm gonna talk about Sore Loser!

First, let's define what is a "Sore Loser". This is someone who loses in a fair competition but whines about it on a constant basis, blaming everyone around them for their loss except themselves.

I was confronted by one ugly loser that looks like a life-sized gargoyle, who siphoned all the pent up frustrations on me, and evil enough to cast me a curse.

How dare you?

Before you dare point your dirty, disgustingly flabby finger at me, why don't you question yourself first?

Ask yourself!


Are you actually as stupid as you looked?

If you are a worthy opponent, you wouldn't magnified your loss at the expense of hurting others.

If you are as significant as you self-proclaimed, how come nobody realised that?

If you are that indispensable, how come you are so unwelcome?

If you are so self-conscious, why so painfully blind to your own flaws?

If you are as righteous as you so unashamedly portrays, why act docile when there is a chance to voice out?

If you are so good at feigning magnanimous, what's up with all these petty miserable acts?

If you are ugly, be it externally or internally, no point pretending otherwise.

Re-evaluation is what you really need, because your self assessment clearly failed!

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